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Why scalable database monitoring and administration tools are a must for growing businesses

Posted by Andreas Hope on Sep 27, 2017 9:18:00 AM
Andreas Hope
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If your business is currently experiencing a period of growth, or if you’re planning to expand your IT services in the near future, scalable tools are essential for saving you time, money and headaches when managing your organisation’s databases and servers.

Databases supported by scalable server infrastructure are a key element of any large business today, giving you the flexibility to continue expanding your organisation without fear of outgrowing your IT hardware. But a growing database and its associated infrastructure can be held back by rigid tools that aren’t designed to scale with it - potentially leaving you unable to effectively manage and monitor your hardware and the data that you handle.

Tools That Allow Your Business To Continue To Grow

Because the ability to continue growing without slowing down and without having to continually reinvest in new tools is vital to practically any large organisation, scalable monitoring and administrative tools exist to complement large-scale databases across the hundreds or thousands of servers that many businesses now employ.

In addition to providing the scalability necessary for your business to continue growing its IT systems without fear of expanding beyond its supporting monitoring and administrative tools, scalable tools offer numerous benefits for server management.

As server numbers continue climb dramatically for many organisations and enterprises today, tools that can be adapted to work on large-scale systems are vital, whether in business, the public sector, or any other large industry. Tools are needed that also not only work across large numbers of servers, but can manage multiple platforms and versions too, and scalable solutions achieve this to allow businesses to grow to any size and to adapt to make use of any software or server setup.

Scalable tools also provide the benefit of being customisable by DBAs, giving them the ability to monitor and manage the data that is important to their organisation. Regardless of the industry that you work in, being able to monitor the data that’s relevant to you is vital, as is the ability to have tools tailored to fit into your workflow and your existing systems.

Monitoring Tools That Support Thousands Of Servers

As today’s businesses expand their databases and IT infrastructure far beyond what was once considered necessary, many are making use of hundreds or even thousands of database servers. And while some tools can handle administration and monitoring across a lower number of servers, scalable tools can be used to work with as many servers as needed - giving you room to grow and confidence that your database tools will never fail you.

Tools that can still manage no matter how many servers are added to your infrastructure both reduce the cost of researching and implementing new software and also reduce training costs for your staff. Using the same tools for an extended period, now and into the future, can streamline your IT team’s reporting and server maintenance work, cutting costs and saving time.

Just as scalable server numbers and infrastructure are essential for any growing business, tools that can grow with your business have the potential to save you time and money in the future and cut down the headaches associated with finding new tools to use and learning to use new software.

